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The Principal aka QDeezy
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Greg 722d
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Chrissi B
Chrissi B
Counter Intuitive
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Chrissi B
Chrissi B
Cool Like That
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Chrissi B
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So in a couple of months I'm a be moving back home well when I say home I mean back to the East Coast cause Texas answer me hearing it is isn't it I got asthma out this bitch y'all look it up I don't get asthma but whatever um and I remove my home and I'm trying to debate on whether not I want to be a home owner which of course like everybody's you know may have the same goal I'm like us everybody sure but at this point since we should rent is looking like a damn mortgage I mean at this point I feel like everybody's wants to be a homeowner but that's another topic of whatever so my question is are you guys home owners like have you bought a house within the past I want to two years and if so how was that experience for you and In comparison to like would you buy a house today and in today's market am or are you like kind of just waiting it out and just trying to see what it is that you want to do whether not you wanna actually move you know to get a house in or even where you wanna move to get your house and everything because I still kind of feel like I am I am I'm still apartment bound as of now especially since I'm so far away I feel like I can't properly arm do a house search so what are you guys think homeowners are you just gonna wait it out
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The market is trash
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How'd you end up getting asked for a break? Let's talk about the home on a thing on the next show. On the next show we definitely don't talk about it because yeah, it's not where it's crack up to be an old.
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Oh I don't even know how to fuck a enjoyable and mile here all I know is does Dries fuck in his debts as hell and they gave me I'll be there I'll pump and I was like you guys and then I was like that's crazy
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Hello if I am ready to timer for five batteries cause this is stupid I should be fine that's why I shouldn't even have asthma time like I'm 34 years old and I got a five year olds per no bullshit
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Going all into crypto. Yeah, I think we're kind of at the bottom so might go back down again but wait for the dip. Go all in.
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Yeah I'm not necessarily into crypto because I don't I'm not into like that's like gambling of me but I am I'm trying to become a little bit more knowledgeable about it but that's not gambling I don't like that
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But I feel like once once I stabilize I think that maybe I'll be able to like feel a little bit better about like the homebuying process because right now it's just looking real up
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Side note, I don't know how you ended up with asthma, but I had a cousin who her family was relocating from ignored to Texas and her doctor recommended that she didn't move Texas because of her asthma. So there's something in the air.
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It gotta be something in the air because that's crazy like it's just I think it is really dusty here like it's dusty and it's dry and I'm in the desert it's part of Texas I hate it
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