Boss Gal When is the best time to have dinner and what time? It’s too late for dinner?Подписаться00ПоделитьсяКопировать ссылку на пост
Boss Gal 30 day fitness challenges are super beneficial, after the 30 days is up, it will become a lifestyle!
Boss Gal listening to jazz can enhance memory recall, moods, clarity of mind, and even linguistic skills. This makes jazz exposure a perfect form of music therapy for those in a memory care community!
Boss Gal Red food coloring, known as Red dye 40 contains benzene, a known cancer-causing substance and attention problems in children and needs to be avoided!!️
Boss Gal Matcha Green Tea is High in antioxidants to support the body and a healthier alternative to coffee
Boss Gal Cutting back on your caffeine intake can reduce anxiety, reduce calorie intake, lower blood pressure, consume less sugar, improve energy levels, have better digestion and Sleep better
Boss Gal Body Milks go the extra mile when it comes to moisturizing your skin. fatty oils and ingredients like prevents the water from evaporating. Which means that skin cells retain more moisture
Boss Gal OLA GOLD BEAUTY seamoss bar soap will clean your skin, clear your pores, fight acne, prevent your skin from losing its elasticity, and give your skin a natural glow! What is your favorite soap?
Boss Gal In conditional love, love is "earned" on. In unconditional love, love is "given freely" to the loved one "no matter what. Unconditional love can benefit your emotional health, security and positivity.
Boss Gal Did you know plucking and waxing your eyebrows can affect the follicle growth, causing brow hairs to grow back thinner.
Boss Gal Did a little self love and selfcare action today🤍self care routines has been clinically proven to increase happiness, and more! Did you do any selflove or self care activities for yourself today?
Boss Gal Soaking in a warm salt solution, and oils once a week for 15-20 minutes, offers great benefits! What do you like to add to your bathwater?
Boss Gal No matter how well we plan and how great our intentions, life circumstances can derail that plan at any given moment. What are some healthy ways you remain calm when things do go as planned?