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OK so this one's gonna be a bit of a controversial one but I'm gonna bring it to the table no judgment please no negativity this is for a pure discussion and to each their own you know your kids better than anyone so please don't hesitate to leave your opinion because again it's gonna be a safe space but I want to know what is your stance on vaccines are your kids vaccinated why or why not and do you think they're effective and this can go for any vaccine flu vaccine Covid vaccine just a normal general vaccines that you know most kids have to get And yeah so do you think they're affective let me know I'm gonna start and I'm gonna put mine in the comments below
And I did not do all of the vaccines with my children and I actually have it has it myself and it has been linked back to you vaccines Encontré to the propaganda that's put out there there is science to back that
And I know that my answer is not going to be super popular, but I really don't give a crap because to me it's interesting that people will just blindly listen to vaccines or safe, And then there's a lawsuit where people are getting copious amounts of money because Tylenol has been linked to autism.
I'm so glad you replied and I totally agree that goes back to pharmaceutical companies. I do not trust them whatsoever, so that is another reason and I actually forgot about that, that but that's another reason why I will not give my kids the vaccines.
So for my kids, my boyfriend and I decided that we were not going to vaccinate them for the COVID vaccine or the flu vaccine. And we're still kind of on the edge about the other vaccines or whatever.
Yeah so we just didn't get them vaccinated for those with I honestly don't think they're effective there's so many studies coming out now many years later after the Covid vaccine was released that they're not effective
And I honestly just didn't feel comfortable giving them something that didn't have a lot of studies backing up, especially for them being so young. And so yeah, that's kind of where I'm at so far.
With my children I did not get them vaccinated with the Covid vaccine and my daughter has diabetes and her endocrinologist suggested that we not get the vaccine because there weren't very many studies on especially with children with
Especially with children with auto immune diseases there weren't any studies at all on how it will affect them so we did not do Covid but they do get the flu vaccine because she does have a weak immune system and it definitely helps her
And we also do the other regular ones like the chicken pox and rubella and measles and all those ones. And those are just like state requirements for school. So we do that. doesn't affect them at all.
And my kids are 8, 6, and 5, and I haven't seen any negative effects with any of the normal vaccines, but definitely I would never, ever, ever get the COVID vaccine for them or myself.
Okay, this is a really interesting one. I don't have kids yet, and hopefully, you know, I can still respond and stuff, but my My husband and I, we do eventually want kids and we don't want to vaccinate them.
The reason why we don't want to though, and I think COVID was a really big reason, a part of our decision is because we blindly as a society, this is just our opinion, you know, put things into our bodies without knowing.
And so that's even led to us changing, you know, part of our diet, trying to implement healthier things into our diet that will naturally help our immunity. So that's our stance on that.
Yeah, I mean, I definitely, for me, it's no judgment either way. Like, you do what you want to do. Just be safe, obviously. But I feel like if the government, you know, actually told us what was all in it, like, You know, it's different.
Well I'm not a mom but my personal opinion is that I would get my child vaccinated because people have been doing it for many years now and it doesn't seem to affect them negatively
Hi, yes, freshman college student with no kids here. If I had children, I would allow them to get vaccines or maybe I would wait until a certain an age, but yes, I would allow my kids to have vaccines.
Because we live in a modern age with modern technology and there are a lot of diseases out there they aren't really considered a threat to us because we have vaccines, but without that vaccine, your kid is very easily subs-