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So I want to know how you guys if you do Anything for food waste in your household. So since having kids it's been kind of hard Anything that my caught my toddlers like leave on the like on the plate or whatever I usually just eat as a snack and ends up being a meal because it ends up being like enough food I've just been picking at it throughout the day But I saw this one hack on I think it was either Instagram or where this lady said that she uses all of the leftover fruits and stuff and she'll freeze them. And then once she has a big stash of them, she'll make a sorbet or yogurt or something for her toddlers. So I thought that was a pretty good idea. But other than that, if it's like a pasta or a meat or something else, like vegetables, what do you guys do? Because I hate wasting food and I don't want to do that. Does anyone compost maybe I can do that for like leftovers, but I don't have plans to like give it I don't know I don't know how that works so I need ideas guys let me No.
Yes, it is so hard. I just threw away a veggie nugget that she didn't touch, but I'm pretty sure the dog licked. So I was like, well, I'm not saving this. And I threw it away and I was so mad.
Are usually don't have this problem because my son is pretty good about finishing things I am but I will I will also finish the leftovers or if it's some thing that I know it's that heavily seasoned or it's OK for my dog to eat like a piece of boiled egg then I'll just give it to her because why not
Last month I DIY'd my own compost bin. So my system is in the house I have a tub of a container for the freezer and basically I tell everyone in the house household You don't have to mess with the compost bin. Just put your scraps in this Tub of where in the freezer so it doesn't stink up and then I take this and I put it in a Bucket that's sealed in the garage and then when that's filled up. I'll go out to the compost bin outside So far, no so
I freaking love this question so I do the same thing with any fruit that he just like has it touched. I will just put back in the fridge and see if he'll eat it later and then by the end of the night if he doesn't eat it I freeze it and just like a giant Ziploc freezer bag and then that's what I'll use to supplement like smoothies and stuff and then for veggies that he won't eat either. Obviously if it's just like untouched then I will also freeze the veggies. It definitely sometimes depends on the veggie but...