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Dee • 661d
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Pixie Glitter • 662d
Pixie Glitter
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Auntie Social
Auntie Social
Auntie Social • 661d
Auntie Social
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Auntie Social
Auntie Social
Auntie Social
Pixie Glitter
Pixie Glitter
JustinPdawg • 654d
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Pixie Glitter
Ctkqiang • 652d
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Pixie Glitter • 652d
Pixie Glitter
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Pixie Glitter
Pixie Glitter
Valkyrie • 652d
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Valkyrie • 652d
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I just want to remind people that silence is not always an answer it's not like you could say oh yeah then being silent means that they don't care not always silence could also mean embarrassment sons could mean shame silence could mean stupidity silence convenes so many different things so you don't actually have a definitive answer with silence because really it's your irrational thoughts that are going to tell you what silence means when really you have no freaking clue what it means I mean like I said we can all come to our own you know made up scenarios in our minds but the end of the day we don't know and if you wanna know Go there get your answer because I am the type of person who wants to know answers to like closure is not easy when you don't get answers that are country I like them too and I don't blame anyone for wanting concrete answers like even if it hurts I honestly think being in the unknown is more painful because they're literally has like no actual closure you have to like make up the closure you have to like trick your brain into like being content and that's really that's a whole bunch of mindfuck that I haven't zero patience for I like the one time that I needed answers after not getting any I like I got them like you know through other means and those other means were more painful than if that person would have just said something upfront just saying like having to find out things like indirectly is very
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Thank you.
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I don't know it kind of cut me off but I said it's awful like it's awful to have to it's just awful and any other thing is people who literally like can't come to you and like tell you the honest truth I still like why it is they're doing what they're doing that makes them a coward like they are a freaking coward like if they can't just own up to it cowardly come on grow up grow a spine
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Speaking of people who can't come up to you and tell you the honest truth, I recently snapped at a couple of friends who I noticed their behavior like wasn't very friend-like to me. And I was like, why am I putting up with this? They're being like rude to my face. Anyway, one of these women I kind of snapped at the other day. Like, and she didn't catch on. She was like, you good? And I was like, why are you gonna go run and tell Kristen? which is the reason I'm mad at her. She speaks out of both sides of her mouth.
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But the point is, is she shut the fuck up. After I said that, she did not reply. She had nothing to say, cause she knows damn well that she is doing what the fuck I called her out on and she does speak out of both sides of her fucking mouth and she didn't have jack shit to say back to me cause she knows that she's behaved that way. And she sure as fuck isn't gonna accept it and say sorry so she's just gonna, you know, be silent and fucking pretend it didn't happen and ignore me. And she knows she did wrong.
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I know this is a little bit off topic, but speaking of silence, I decided this week to download an American Sign Language app. And I have gotten much farther than I expected to already because my mother is fluent in sign language, and I know more than I realized. There's a lot of words that my mother taught me as a kid that I forgot, but I was like, oh yeah, that makes sense. What's also cool about sign language?
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Is it is really fucking intuitive? Almost every single sign in some way looks like the thing you're signing and if not you can come up with like a good reason in your head why that's the way the sign looks whereas like when you're learning another language you can't be like oh it's easy to remember that orange is neuron hop because blah blah blah like it's just not the same as learning this visual language
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So I'm sorry I'm telling you this and basically going off about myself and making this about me, but I'm just sharing what I've learned, which is I don't know. I'm not bilingual. I took Spanish in high school But I can basically say where's the bathroom and that's it Um, so it's very exciting for me to learn that like I can learn another language and learn it quite quickly And that language is sign language I'm like already understanding sentences and stuff. I don't know maybe check it out
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Want to learn sign language with me and then we can communicate by sending silent videos back and forth? I think that would be funny.
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Honestly I should download an SSL app and start learning because all the college I went to we like literally have a major for ASL and also one of my students has she's like trying to teach her self ASL because just certain reasons so I thought it might be good for her and I to learn next year and you know maybe do that
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It's like a long story as to why she is wanting to communicate that way of telling DM you about that but I thought like you know that would be a good skill for you know all of us to learn because then we can communicate with people who you know are deaf and need to communicate with ASL and then also it's a skill that we can all use with each other do you know if I think it's good
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First of all who dumb ass with the sounds is always the answer if you think that's the truth then you should not be in any relationship bro what the fuck type of logic is that communication of syllables important thing in relationship like oh my God where is the work I know common sense
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Yeah I don't understand like silence I mean really the people who I have encountered it's really just out of being a coward like they can own up to what they've done or they have done some thing and they like or embarrassed to like oh and up to it and I mean it could be anything it could be a relationship or friendship for Tatian I could be so many things but I don't know
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I kind of agree silence is not always an answer but sometimes you have to go Kurata
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I'm so mad at myself someone left me a really nice comment on here and then someone left a stupid comment that I was trying to delete and it deleted the person who left a nice comment and not the person who left a stupid comment Now I feel really bad and I can't get it back now and but they had a really good comment and that one wasn't the one supposed to be deleted it was supposed to be that dude guys, it was supposed to get deleted
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They were talking about coming back onto the app and after being silent and For a while and then they were today were talking about personal story I was so good and I liked it like I press the home button and everything and then I went to go delete the comment of this dude who left his totally dumb comment and it deleted the other person's comment who left a good comment and I am just I'm reading so if that person sees that I liked their comment but season
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But Cesar the comet is gone that's what happened it was a technical difficulty mishap thanks stereo I'm very sorry if you find this leave a new one because I 80 it deserves to be here and it was not supposed to be deleted
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Girl you can have such a good timing all right let's get to the story of why that silence is not always is never always an answer
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It's never a good idea to just put yourself and tell yourself that you know what if I just keep silencing myself of this of Usman or just traumatic shit or maybe when someone just talking to be bad about me or like anything like that it's not OK because remember there's little weirdos like the whole book the others who think really psycho psycho pathic you don't be a Sushant and they will say I think they'd like it I think they like when I'm
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Or maybe they would say oh my God how do I get this guys just guy girl whatever attention so they would go to the most craziest bullshit as self to someone they will do whatever it takes it's always like this little those little popular people popular highschoolers and then they end up when you're over at the high school they're in the black pieces of shit so yeah it's true it's true they are psychotic I should be careful
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And always put them on spot always put them on the spot because they know what you're doing is not OK and they chose to be in a position to just do that to someone it's not OK to put them on the spot and for them to behave because what are you doing right now is not OK and when they do it in public that's when they start cracking and just Oh you're going to see a whole other side of them is hilarious
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And of course the silence is never an answer always expose them always put them on spot and for them to behave because beat be so for real why are you acting like this and group grow up time yeah always always put them on the spot
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