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Today I'm trying a new experiment to help with my chronic constipation pooping issues thanks to my genetics and hypothyroidism and all that good stuff. So I know that I am having a hard time with getting this five or more pounds that I gained off and one of the reasons is just being constipated. For the last I guess, week or two, I don't know. It's horrible. So I am trying a probiotic drink in the morning and lots of caffeine during the day. So is that a smart idea considering I have a Mitravalve prolapse and I can get very easily have anxiety attacks anxiety attacks because of that and caffeine does not help that. Yes, that is a bad idea. But for the sake of getting my bowels back to where they're supposed to be, it's worth it. Okay, it's just gonna be worth it. Because magnesium, my body created a resistance to magnesium. I did try prune juice with a butter in it and that was the... juices is the you know I am desperate if I drink prune juice I can't I cannot do that again it barely worked and it just wasn't no don't don't even go there with me okay I've tried caffeine by itself which is it's just not working right now usually kind of does an okay job it's just not working so I resorted to trying this new probiotic drink that was on sale at Sprouts. So far we'll see how this goes. I need an explanation.
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