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Isa Manson 696d
Isa Manson
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Alexa Machado
Jena Schuerman
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Alexa Machado
Anaaaam 695d
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Alexa Machado
Stephanie Tejada
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Alexa Machado
Cristiana Norielle
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Alexa Machado
Cristiana Norielle
Chris Lewis 695d
Chris Lewis
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Alexa Machado
Chris Lewis
Ed B 695d
Ed B
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Alexa Machado
Monse 695d
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Alexa Machado
Brown Arreola 688d
Brown Arreola
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Nic Fitzgerald
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How long do you guys spend scrolling through either like Instagram reels, TikToks, or YouTube shorts? I can go down the rabbit hole for two hours at a time if I'm not careful or more. I'm just wondering if anybody else has that problem too.
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Honestly I don't spend a whole Lotta time on TikTok it's not my preferred platform I find like the really quick sped up videos to be kind of annoying like I don't like watching them and I do really don't like watching lip-synching videos either I just think they're silly But I can definitely get scrolling on like Instagram posts and that kind of thing
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Instagram is definitely my favorite platform, I think. I totally get that. I'm an artist and I do photography and stuff so I'm much more interested in photos or like I guess more aesthetic videos, aesthetic artsy small business owner type thing. Those exist on TikTok but but I don't know Instagram just feels better.
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Honestly probably way too much time I'd be like embarrassed honestly go look at my phone and tell you how much it is so I'm just going to guess an hour at the very least just because I know I do scroll at night right before bed it kind of helps me go to sleep I know that's not really good for you but it's just I have it some thing that I do
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You know, I've wondered how they say social media isn't good for you and you shouldn't use your phone before bed and all of that. But I'm wondering if they've ever done studies for more peaceful content if you're going online to watch meditations or just pretty videos of landscapes and nature and stuff, if that would Still have the same like toxic effects on your sleep and self-esteem.
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I used to have TikTok a while ago and I used to spend a lot of time there but now I don't and it's way better.
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That's awesome. Did you just quit cold turkey or did you have to wean yourself off of it?
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Entirely too much, like just way too much time on TikTok. I'll just go in there to post and next thing I know I've been watching TikToks for 40 minutes. where did the time go?
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That's me too. I have squirrel brain. I'll be online for something work related and then see a video and then it's off down the rabbit hole so I totally understand that.
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I don't even keep track but it's probably way too much time maybe like three four hours
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Isn't it weird how we don't notice how much time is going by when we're actually scrolling and then it's only after we've seen like the clock or whatever and they're like that was not three hours
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yeah it's honestly so scary it's like going down some kind of black hole
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I spent an unhealthy amount of time on tic-tac, especially around 2am, just scrolling. I don't know, it was about tic-tac, it kind of pushed me to sleep though.
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Hey I'm gonna lie I think I'll be honest at more than I've been on social media because I'd like to get shit off my check I like to see what other people thoughts and stuffy so I don't really really really spent a lot of time with TikTok and hold him of the app
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Oh my gosh, I do this too. I'll stay up till like 3 o'clock and I'll just scroll. For some reason, Tik Tok seems so much better late at night. Maybe it's just because I'm delirious from lack of sleep.
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Yeah I know that's why you know what that's deep that's deep yeah this app can be addicting because you get to hear peoples point of you and you can get it you get it it's kind of like sitting there like some I can message you like iMessage you right now you get to when you can and that's kind of dumb yeah I get it can you shut off his phone I'm not on this app more than TicTac but I can see house am I gonna be in and I'm on this app more and more as I start thinking about it that's a good point
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I actually like uninstall TikTok because of how toxic it was and how easy it is like psycho self in the void on its him no good
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Yeah, I would agree with that. I like Instagram reels because my algorithm is like pretty cottagecore aesthetic stuff. So it's nice and calming but TikTok you get a lot of like weird stuff I guess with everything else.
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It depends on my mood and symptoms are not in the mood of like you know cleaning original going now I like watching TV and I just wanna be on my phone and I am not really on my phone that much anymore but this time I was in my phone for 10 hours and I've been on TikTok for five
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Yeah, it's really hard. I do most of my work on my phone, so it'll tell me I'm online 10 hours a day and I have a hard time knowing what part of that is work and what part of that is me scrolling.
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I spend usually like a whole work shift, so I eight hours. Facts my,
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I spend way too much time. I would say probably an hour a day minimum scrolling on TikTok, which is horrible.
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