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Today is a cleaning day for me I am trying to knock out all of my cleaning that I'm supposed to be doing during the week so I'm doing laundry doing the bathrooms cleaning the kitchen and deep cleaning because someone is able to watch my kids today and I was wondering what you guys what are you guys watch when you guys are cleaning do you guys listen to podcast do you watch Netflix do you listen to music I like to watch Netflix and right now I'm watching love is blind and I am like loving the season it's crazy if you know you know but yeah what are you guys what are you guys favorite shows what are you what are your favorite podcast listen to on while you're doing like cleaning stuff or chores or anything around the house where you can just like put your headphones in yeah Let me know
I feel like his podcasts are so underrated, like they're really interesting depending on who you like to listen to. I forgot about him actually. I'm gonna go probably listen to him today.
Damn today was a deep cleaning for me as well I have a friends coming over tomorrow so I'm like OK I need to clean the shit out of my apartment so I was doing that too I started watching this
You'll have to think about the name of the show because I've been trying to look for something. I don't really have cables, but I do have access to pretty much any TV show. So let me know what it is because I would love to watch it.
I'd like to listen to my audiobooks honestly if I wasn't trying to get these replies and reactions and stuff and I'd be probably listening to an audiobook and cleaning right now