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Bro I just thought about how freeing it is to be able to love someone without needing anything because I recently experienced that because I have had more healthy relationships which has freed me from like needing stuff from people who aren't healthy for me so then I can focus on like problem solving in non-healthy relationships and like having a full cup versus like needing to be filled and already pulling from empty right and I was just thinking about like how the freedom to love changes a relationship and like thinking about God and like how um he's free to love and um if the Bible is true that we offended him with our sin and every time we sin then like he's constantly like we constantly doing both like imagine like just constantly offending and disrespecting someone and like um you know knowingly or unknowingly but you never like stop and like they show you right or or like committing a crime constantly um just over and over and that's what sin is to God and so like what if it's okay so like thinking about like how what frees him up to love um you know like there's like a like that's how he's a God of love and justice so like there has to be a price paid for the crimes um and just with any crime like it deserves punishment so like but the crazy thing is that he can't like through Jesus because you know Jesus is God you know in the flesh and he can't he comes and he takes the punishment so we can be free like so that like we can be free to like be in this loving relationship so he can give it and oh my gosh amazing right
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