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Donovan 448d
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I'm gonna say this right now, smash.
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I'm gonna say this right now, you're a ****** ass, piece of ass, little fucking bitch, and you ain't ever gonna get any girl if you keep going like this, like if you keep simping on girls, you's gonna be a simp the rest of your life, ain't no alpha, ain't no fucking taking woman, they taking you, they taking you for a ride and then dumping you off when they find something better, you fucking fuck nugget, get a grip of yourself and stop simping on women, this one's fat as well, you must be an ugly fuck. You're a ****** ass, piece of ass, little fucking bitch, and you ain't ever gonna get any girl if you keep going like this, like if you keep simping on women, you's gonna be a simp the rest of your life, ain't no alpha, ain't no fucking taking woman, they taking you, they taking you for a ride and then dumping you off when they find something better, you must be an ugly fuck, get a grip of yourself and stop simping on women, this one's fat as well, you must be an ugly fuck, get a grip of yourself and stop simping on women, this one's fat as well, you must be an ugly fuck, get a grip of yourself and stop simping on women, this one's fat as well, you must be an ugly fuck, get a grip of yourself and stop simping on women, this one's fat as well, you must be an ugly fuck, get a grip of yourself and stop simping on women, this one's fat as well, you must be an
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