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Doja Nat 413d
Doja Nat
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Lizzy 413d
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Gelöschtes Mitglied
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Andrea Ruiz 413d
Andrea Ruiz
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Alondra Ruiz 412d
Alondra Ruiz
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So the other day at the gym I am this guy got really mad at some lady because she tried to like correct his form on deadlifts and I don't really know exactly how it happened thing is after he was done he goes up to lady and asked to see her hands and he looks at her and says yeah lady you don't you don't a Lyft but he was big mad So I want to know what you would do me personally I even if someone tried correcting my form and I know that they don't know that much about it I would just keep going on with my work out because it's not that big of a deal you know so what would you do if someone tried correcting your form and it's obvious that they don't know that much about the gym either
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I would just be very annoyed I would just like nod my head and like try to say the least as possible
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I would just keep going with what I'm doing and just not and let it go, but it's different if they are being disrespectful and rude.
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I would probably leave whatever work and I'm doing and try to do a different one and then still continue the notice telling like they can please stop
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Just accept it, just like, oh thank you, and then move on with my thing. It's not like they're gonna force me, they're not gonna grab my body and make me do the thing, So I'll just thank them quietly and be like, okay, thank you and then bye
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I wouldn't mind. I think I would be like, okay, thanks, and then like keep doing what I'm doing. If I think my form is right, I would keep on doing what I'm doing. If I'm like hesitant like okay, maybe they're right. I would maybe I don't look it up, but
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