Hello Stereo, how are you today? I hope you all had a great day today. I want to talk about marriage and you know a marriage, a legal marriage versus a commitment ceremony. So I just want to know how you guys feel about marriage and or commitment ceremony. Do you prefer a legal unity or would you just prefer that you just know that you're committed to one person and that's all but you don't need a legal document to say so and that you have an understanding when it comes to finances and sharing certain responsibilities between one another. So I just want to know your opinion on it and just let me know. So I'll just give you a definition of what a commitment ceremony is. So it is a marriage ceremony in which two people commit their lives to each other and isn't legally binding. Commitment ceremonies can even look the same as legal binding weddings but at no point does the couple go off to sign paperwork and make the marriage legal by government standards. So just give me your take, give me your opinion, what would you prefer and are you traditional or are you unconventional. So I just want to hear you out. Thank you. Bye.