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M Spectacular 276d
M Spectacular
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Chizz 276d
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Wirm Million 276d
Wirm Million
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Midwest 275d
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Now you know I'm trying, I am trying to get into heaven, but this would have actually cancelled my trip. Because I'm telling you, this would have definitely disqualified me from being able to even get in the line to the pearly gates. I'm telling you, this would have totally taken me over the edge. I would not have been able to handle this. I couldn't stand it. I would have looked back at this. First of all, what you're going to do is get your ADHD child and stop them from kicking the bottom of my chair. I paid good money for this plane ticket, and I didn't pay to be kicked all the way to the destination. I don't know what's wrong with your child, but fix this mess. You got this child kicking this chair, and it's irritating the hell out of me. I'm telling you. Then you say I stepped over my boundaries. You ain't seen me step over nothing yet, because wait until you feel the heel of my shoe in the palm of your head when I get finished stepping over this chair to stop your ADHD child. Do you have any Ritalin in your bag? Matter of fact, let me look in my bag and see if I have some arsenic or something. Can you pull your cell phone out? Can you give your child your cell phone? Put some gin rummy on. Put some Mario. Put a little game on there so he can find something to do other than kick the bottom of my chair. Have you lost your last mind? I think you don't understand what this is. Now, when I snap and smack your head with my tray that I pop off the front of the chair in front of me because you done tripped me out to the point of where I done snapped, then you going to have a problem and going to be calling me names and stuff. See what I'm saying? I know, y'all. I'm wrong.
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She's not trying to keep him occupied, she's just ignoring this child, letting this child do whatever he wants. Wrong. Wrong. She's wrong. Nah. The kid is doing his shit intentionally.
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Nah, he ain't wrong. Who wants to be kicked in the ass for three hours on a plane ride? I'm just saying, she needs to get a handle of that.
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Acutely aware of being filmed, Kyle stared at the seat in front of him, chewing his bubblegum like it was made of steel. He knew if that camera disappeared, he would bitch slap that child and his mother.
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Is it just me or does this video look completely staged? I feel like every person in it is a amateur actor. Nothing about this looks genuine to me.
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