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Helitutor 143d
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My God, my God, my God. See, this is the kind of thing right here. This is black women. This is us. And see, a lot of folks say, well, she don't represent. Yeah, but that's not how the world sees this. This right here, we all have to pay for it. We all are looked at in this light with this nonsense. And this may be a skit. This may not even be real for real. But there are women out here that look like her that are like this. And it's painful to see this. It actually is painful. If this is a true story, I'm about to throw up in my mouth.
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Tick, tick, tick. Uh-oh. The heli-tutor is finally here. This is not a black woman. This is a mulatto. Mulatto, hair-headed, hooligan, triple H, dragon. Don't believe me? Take a look at the 13 bags of Yaki No. 9 hanging off the back of her head. Take a look at the tattoo in her face and neck area. Yeah. Hair-headed, hooligan, triple H, dragon, a representative of the criminal element. Huh?
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