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Hey guys coming in with a quick question so have you been getting enough sleep or do you feel even sleeping right or sleeping well you know I try to make it a habit or making my goal to get at least seven or eight hours of sleep per night because you know when you get less sleep affects you picture move affects your health so when you get more sleep or get it getting the correct amount of sleep it helps you stay healthy helps you stay at a healthy weight lol your risk of serious health problems like diabetes and heart disease they have reduced Your stress levels improve your mood and it helps think what helps you think more clearly so yeah have you been getting the sleep lately yes or no if not why
Add more to high school and college and I make sure I get enough sleep by you know timing everything and make sure to go to bed at decent time and doing everything at a decent time too so until last minute so that helps a lot as well
Oh really feel you on that because I have the same kind of sleep where I sleep so good I have these dreams where I can member the details but what I do share it people think I'm a weirdo but maybe it just means I'm having some good ass sleep so I can relate to you
No do you know what time I go to sleep I go to sleep at 10 and because I have homework and stuff all right and then you know what time I wake up for 40 and then my bus comes at 6:10
Hi school is so fun isn't it I remember those days I used to hate my school schedule and we had to go to bed or I went to bed around 10 PM at the same time or 11 PM get her on 5 AM school bus comes around 62 and it wasn't fun
No I've been sleeping at like 4 AM told my friends they were open Cigaro for him and I'm just like what the fuck is wrong with us right now like what what depression is this that's going around
Well it's baseline and asleep you just waking up the same day oh if you are still feeling sad don't tell yourself I'm sad you know distract yourself and say as if you're happy because you can visit yourself and be feeling sad so try not to trick your brain