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Gaurav Jadav 421d
Gaurav Jadav
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So the Miami Heat have defeated the New York Knicks like I said the last night I did not get to watch anything I was almost busy to hold it with prom So I didn't get to watch anything of anything but Miami Heat won so which is not surprising I think the heat are gonna get in the winning season I know I said the Knicks win but now I'm starting to lean towards the heat now honestly They have the Miami the Knicks figured out they have the Knicks out coach So they have almost every binge on the next right now, I think
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I think the heat went in five to be honest. I think they went game four at home and then close it out in New York whenever game five is but I Don't know. I think the people had too much faith in the next like in my opinion and they should have never been favorite to win this series.
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