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Pedro Lopez 430d
Pedro Lopez
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Gaurav Jadav 429d
Gaurav Jadav
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Well, that is a wrap for the Cavaliers season. A huge disappointment on every basis. Offense, defensively, it was an absolute dumpster fire for us. And not much more I can say. J.B. Bigger, I'd use to be a fire, or Jerodale, I'd probably use to get shredded. I'm over it at this point. I can't even be mad. I expected disappointment and I got disappointment. GG's, chaos, season out.
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Definitely a huge disappointment, but next tape.
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Yes, definitely a huge disappointment for them. I mean, you know, even if they lost the series, it would have been alright, but you can't go out in five to the next. I think if you wanted to, you know, at least gain some respect from people, you had to losing seven at the worst.
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Yeah I said the same thing I would've been mad if we lost a series like 43 but getting you know German swimmers absolutely agree this is Bestie for a team with our roster in our you know lineup yeah deathly no excuse to your disappointment
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