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Tinu Abayomi-Paul
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Tinu Abayomi-Paul
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Has anyone else been playing VR stuff? Does anyone have any recommendations on what like must have games are I? Have a few games that I play but mostly I play beat saber just as a form of like cardio exercise And it's fun, but I also want to use the VR like a VR you know what I mean like find some fun games to play but I don't really have anyone else to make suggestions so if anybody can think of anything that would be great.
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Okay, for exercise, Pistol Whip. You can modify it for whatever body shape you have. If you don't want to dodge the bullets, you don't have to. They have all kinds of modifications. Raccoon Lagoon is good also if you like things like Animal Crossing or whatever. Let's see. If you like meeting people, there's VR Chat. If you want to play by yourself or you just don't have friends online.
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Also, I'm Teeny Rights on there and if you look at my profile, you'll see a whole bunch of single-player games that I have. I'll also try to find the link to the app list that has all the free games so you can try that too.
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