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Sasha lopez 363d
Sasha lopez
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Nelson Hernandez
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Armani Monche
Got on Apex the other day for the first time in a while. I opened up with like team deathmatch and stuff. Those kind of modes, their standard kind of modes just to try to ease back into it. A few days after I played some Battle Royale, I was playing with my girlfriend it was her first time playing. So we were in orientation matches so it was kind of boring. You know like it was very slow paced because it was mostly bots or whatever. But I would definitely like to try some more after she's done with her orientation matches and see how it goes because that game was always like super frantic and fun when I used to play. So I want to check it out again. See you at the vibe jar.
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Hi I'm girlfriend and it was fun it was kind of it was a little boring because like you said like it was the orientation matches but I really like the characters I like the way the animation is is drawn out and I'm definitely down to play again so we already know the vibes
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Honestly Apex is dope it's my favorite Billards honestly don't know why I don't fucking playing but it is dope well I can't force is your play like with that team aesthetic defender attack support whatever it is that's like my favorite part about that is it
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Yeah, I really like that it's a hero shooter because it really makes you think about your choices and your team composition and stuff. And it forces you to play differently depending on who you are, you know? It makes for really, really fun and interesting interactions with certain characters and stuff.
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