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Kaitlyn Grosz 689d
Kaitlyn Grosz
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Kaitlyn Grosz
Emmanda 688d
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Christina Marshall
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Jania Torres 683d
Jania Torres
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Britt 683d
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Alyssa Kunz 683d
Alyssa Kunz
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Alyssa Kunz
Sav 680d
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Mia 679d
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Benjeroo 679d
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Destiny 679d
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If you are a mom of multiples, what would you say is like the most perfect age gap between your kids?
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So my boys are three years and seven months apart it's about 3 1/2 years we were shooting originally for like probably three years but I just wanna time came I was like I don't know if I'm ready yet but I got scared so yeah we just decided to do a little bit of the bigger age gap I actually wish they were like now I wish they were closer in age because I just don't really play too much yet together but I'm hoping that once our when you're a little bit older and like walking and playing that he'll play with his older brother
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I would love for our next two to maybe be two years apart I feel like all people talk of that to your age gap and I can see more of it first but it's also really sweet ones are a little bit older so yeah I feel like there's pros and cons to everything but I think down the road I would love to your age gap if we could do that
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My boys are a year and a half apart about and I feel like it's a good age gap. The older one is still a little... Well, no, he's three. He's needy, but he can help a little bit and he is starting to be more independent. And I've noticed for the little one, he is developing a lot faster. Like he's talking so much and he's just doing so much because he has big brothers. So I think it's a good age gap.
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And it's so fun to like watch their bond and like the relationship that they're building and they love each other so much and they still like to play together and my oldest still will play with the younger one but still like help him and teach him stuff. I think if we do have any more I probably won't start trying until the youngest is three though and have like a bigger gap.
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My kids are two years apart. I initially wanted them to be like back to back. I'm so glad it didn't happen that way and that they're two years apart because I I feel like that's actually a pretty good inch gap. I feel like that's perfect.
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I'm not sure. I'll let you know if 18 months is good. Sorry, 20.
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I think between 2 1/2 three years I don't know I feel like the older one your old is a little bit more independent as I am your second comes around since you were certain tasks Just think what else
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My first two are 17 months apart and my second to my third third 22 months apart so a bit close but the bond that my first to share I really do love and I think they will bond well with their brother too so
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Between my oldest and my middle, six years apart, and then my middle to my youngest, they are 15 months apart.
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So I think like 15 months like maybe like two years and be like a really good age gap I think just because that way they have someone to play with are going to be close Itza I've always wanted to kids that are like somewhat close together it's just that between my oldest my middle my oldest is from a different relationship and then when I met my husband we had our we had the other two so I like the two under two thing it's it has it stays but I like it
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I am for me I was thinking about like an average age gap you know maybe like a couple centuries I think that's like the perfect age gap
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My two boys right now or four years and six months apart but I would've wished I just had to have them closer together because one of them he's a 10 year old and I don't want a six year old and it's like the 10 year old him he doesn't ever interact with my six-year-old in it it hurts his mother because I want to see them get along and laugh together but my 10-year-old he never wants to play with my sexual because he says that he's too little so it's It's like
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I like them like really fresh.
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For kids like not because they're annoying and expensive
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