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Christina Marshall
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So lately I've been trying to just like the more motivated to do things around my apartment for a while I just had no motivation it felt so like hard literally like impossible for me to even like do my dishes or laundry I just was so unmotivated and like depressed but lately after I get up and feed myself and my son I will just like turn the music up really loud and knock out all my chores like do my dishes do my laundry and at least vacuum those are the three things that I at least do and it really has like change and like it I don't wanna say it's been a life changer but it literally has because then I can just kind of like chill and I'm not sitting there the whole day just thinking about the dishes in my sink or the laundry in my hamper I don't know I think that's like my biggest step which I'm sure most people already do it but once you're up and around for the day not even around I'm still in my pajamas but I just turn on music knock out at least three of your chores and I promise you you will feel so much better
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I love listening to music while I'm cleaning up. I don't know, it just seems like when I listen to music like I clean faster or the time passes faster maybe? I don't know, but I always do that. And I even do it like sometimes when the kids are getting ready for school, we'll turn on the music, we'll have a dance party, we're singing, we're being silly, and they're getting ready for the day. And yeah, the music, it just puts me in a really good mood.
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I totally get that. I feel like it helps me stay calm and not feel irritated with doing laundry or dishes and stuff. I just, it like distracts my mind that I'm more focused on singing than doing chores.
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