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Alyssa Kunz 392d
Alyssa Kunz
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Alyssa Kunz
Jena Schuerman
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Maddy Marceau 392d
Maddy Marceau
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Sandra Wolk 388d
Sandra Wolk
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Britt 386d
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Mommy 385d
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T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
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Jax lol 383d
Jax lol
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Jania Torres 383d
Jania Torres
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Jania Torres
OK since you had your kid or kids how many loads of laundry do you do a week I am so over laundry hair like I cloth diaper on top of having like a boyfriend in the HVAC field and then a toddler that gets everything all over his clothes so I literally do at least 1 to 2 loads of laundry a day and I am so over it I'm about to hire somebody to like come do my laundry for me I'm not even kidding
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So I think it just depends. Like sometimes I will do laundry like twice a week. It just depends on how dirty the kids get. And then plus my husband is in construction so I mean like he obviously gets dirty a lot as well. So I always do his clothes separately from our regular clothes because...
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Oh I thought that was gonna cut me off but I just separate it because like his clothes gets so dirty and I just like to do it separately and then of course my seven-year-old has his load and then the two babies my youngest Natalie babies are two and one and then they have their load so Usually about 3 to 4 loads per time but I do laundry so yeah
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Yeah I definitely always do my boyfriend's clothes separate too because he always has like oil or like just nasty crap on his clothes he goes into so many houses throughout the day to fix like furnaces or like whatever he does I genuinely don't know but I would not ever wash his clothes with ours
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So we are a family of five I have a five-year-old a two year-old and a 14 month old and then my husband and I and I do at least 1 to 2 loads a day I wash my kids clothes every other day because I do cloth diaper my youngest and so it just kind of depends but I would say at least one or two loads a day similar some days it's a lot and then I do sheets and stuff throughout the week as well well I'm betting
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OK it's good to know I'm not the only one that has like on the two loads a day because whenever I tell people that they're like what like how do you go through that much clothes and it's like I genuinely don't know how I go through that much clothes like I don't know I have a toddler that gets stuff all over him and I have a boyfriend in the HVAC field like it's messy over here
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Too much laundry toilet for literally can't say
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Yeah I'd say I do anywhere between like I don't know 5 to 6 like I'm doing laundry constantly it's too much it's it should literally be illegal like why is laundry a thing
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Oh I see depends I try to like one or two loads a week amateur that's like our clothes are sheets I try to keep it has been a while as possible it's just because water is how expensive
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So I definitely need to do laundry every other day if my kids I've gone to more clothes or we had to use more towels for some reason and I probably will do it like one extra day of the week but normally it's like every other day
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How much laundry do I do I do my laundry my clothes and that's all oh since you and your kid I don't have a K never mind bye
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I don't do laundry the washing machine does it for me
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I mean I'm not a mom because I'm like I'm 14 and I'm a boy but my brothers and that we do our own laundry because we big boys and we got like four pairs of clothes so that it's not really that big of a deal
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Honestly I think I would do the same amount if I had a laundry and unit for my laundry is shared to six other units in our apartment building so I try to do my son some most like I'll do just his pajamas and socks then I'll just do his sweaters and his blankets and towels and I'll just do his shirts and shorts like I like doing it that way so that way I can fold it and put it away section
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But with my laundry I'm weird about it like I did laundry this past Friday and I went to laundromat and I did like seven loads because I just had let my sweater sit there because I didn't feel like I needed them because I couldn't wash it all at home I didn't have time so I just washed what I need if I'm washing in my apartment for myself
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