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Luisa Poveda 634d
Luisa Poveda
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Alondra Ruiz 633d
Alondra Ruiz
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So I have blue light glasses but I always lose them or just like forget to put them on and so one like little hack that I've been doing recently is putting night mode on all my devices and usually people just have it that setting on just at night but I just turn mine on throughout the day and it I think it like tones down the blue light and puts more yellow light and so usually people do it at night so it doesn't disrupt their sleep but I found that if I do it during the day, it's kind of the same as wearing blue light glasses and it just gives me a lot less like eye strain headaches from staring at my screens.
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I don't have the habit of us switching my phone to night mode and I think that so far it has it has an effect on my eyes
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I didn't really notice it until I just put it on permanently and then now when I look at other people's devices, I like all I can see is like the blue light coming through. So I feel like if you just do it, it just kind of is better for your eyes.
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on tonight love, but I've been tri-hitting lately, but it's a good thing to do. And when I was consistent with it, I did notice a difference and my eyes wouldn't get a strength.
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Yeah, for a while I was turning it on only at night, but I just kept forgetting so that now I just have it on 24-7 and I don't even really realize it until I look at other people's phones and then it looks like a lot more blue and then my phone looks like a yellowish tint all the time. you
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