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Christina Marshall
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Jania Torres 692d
Jania Torres
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Kaylaaa 692d
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Zay stantana 690d
Zay stantana
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Landon 689d
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Alyssa Kunz 689d
Alyssa Kunz
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Alyssa Kunz
Alyssa Kunz
Alyssa Kunz
Alyssa Kunz
Kari 689d
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Jordana 688d
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Katie Casillas
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Katie Casillas
So I don't really know like much about it I didn't really get into it but there's like the thing going around and tick-tock of the mom who like refuse to watch her kid at the other kids birthday or something along the lines of that I don't like 100% now but me personally like if I take my kid anywhere like I am by him 100% of the time I don't ever let him roam off and I don't ever leave him for somebody else to take care of especially at like another kids party like it's it's a day for them so I don't know what are you guys think about the situation I would definitely 100% say that that is not OK
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I know I wouldn't come to my kids because people are crazy and I don't trust anyone with my kids to be completely honest. My kids are always with me. I would never drop my kid off at a birthday party and expect the birthday kids mom or other adults there to watch my child. Like no. I think that lady should have cleared it. it. If she wanted to drop her kids off, she should have checked in with the host to make sure that that was okay.
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Yeah I would never drop my kid off at a birthday party either maybe unless it was family but even that I just I don't know I have really bad trust issues I'm like I would be with my kid 100% of the time no matter the circumstance self
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So, I don't have all the context for this, but if it was a mutual agreement or it's expected that I'm dropping my child off at a birthday party and I am leaving, then yes, it's the other parent who is hosting the parties, you know, my child's health and well-being is their responsibility while I'm not present. However, if I am present at the party, which I definitely would be until my son was quite old, it is 100% my responsibility to be watching him. the other parents party like they're hosting a party.
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Yes, I didn't know all the contacts on either so I guess I didn't see it from like that view. Like if it was an agreement, you know, you drop your kid off, then obviously I would full on expect that parent to have full responsibility of my kid and the other parent's kid like 100% like eyes on all the kids at all times. But if I was there, obviously my kid is my responsibility 100% of the time.
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Play I haven't seen this TikTok before but I 100% agree with you what bugs me a lot about like indoor playgrounds is that moms just go and take their kids and then they walk away and like sit somewhere where they think they're in their their view but they're still on their phone That bugs me like what you don't know for one like what your child is doing but you don't know what others are doing to your child you know
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Immediately seeing the video I was thinking of my kids and my kids are one and two so obviously I will never leave them alone however if they're older I would say like fifth grade and above I don't think I wouldn't mind leaving them but I would stay around the area for sure I wouldn't go like back to my house or you know like if they're at somebody else's house I would stay in the neighborhood and kind of like leave them have like you know and let them have their space on as long as it was OK with his other parent I'm leaving him with
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How do you fucking fart
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I feel like the situation is very similar to taking care of a dog. It's almost like if you let your leash of the dog go and it goes off and bites another person or another dog, then it's obviously your fault because you were the one with the leash. You were the one who is supposed to take care of it. You're the one that owns the fucking dog. I feel like in most situations people don't like to use this as an analogy.
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So when it comes to birthday parties, I'm sorry, but every party that I have thrown for my kids The moms never stay so I don't think anyone stays because You as the host for throwing your kids party you are taking full responsibility for all the kids there so Like when I drop my son off at a birthday party, I don't like just drop him off like I I stay with him.
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Stay with him for a little bit and I talk to the mom is throwing a party and I'll ask her if she needs any help or if she wants me to stay like I offered to stay and if the mom says no I'm OK I got it OK then I'll leave but um you know every party that my son has been to I know the moms and they always have my phone number so I think that is where I have a little bit
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I think that's where more of my comfort comes is that if anything happens to my son that I need to know about right away I obviously they the mom will call me and the mom also stays in contact throughout the part like OK by the way we just cut the cake or we just open presents or you know what she'll also send me pictures like throughout the party too so we stay in contact through the couple hours that he is there at the birthday party
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I don't want to sit here and talk to your ear off but I always stay for a little bit and I always offer and like I said I have every part of that I have thrown for my kids not a single parent stays and I just think that that's just how it is nowadays because not many parents stay with their kids at a birthday party that's just how I see it
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Route to Addison I'm sorry my oldest is seven and this is the first year that I have let him go to any birthday parties without me there unless of course the mom is wants help and wants me to stay with her
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OK if I was told that like I was supposed to stay at the party and watch my kids and yeah I would stay and watch my kid but like if I was just dropping him off then now I am not there I can't watch my kid and like it unless they were having behavioral problems then I would like come back and just like watch them and if it gets too bad we're going home you know
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I agree I would never leave my child at another kids birthday party I mean the parent throwing the party already has their hands full so why make more of a hassle for them and also my kids don't ever leave my side anyways usually birthday parties are with family so we tend to stay together
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Yeah there is an article about it people were weighing in on their thoughts I am the mom wouldn't bring the kit like she was like if I have to pay for a present and drive him to and from like you're gonna watch the kid for a while but I'm with a lot of you get it depends on where it's at with the parents are how old my kid is how old behave the other kids are how many of them are with the ratio to parents but that's it
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My son is six and I've never dropped him off at a birthday party I'd probably feel weird about it at this point if I had a birthday party On a birthday party this year he just wanted to go bowling with his grandmother but even six year olds like don't just don't just drop them off unless I really know you and your kid I don't know there's so many variables
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