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Andrea Ruiz 383d
Andrea Ruiz
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Alondra Ruiz 383d
Alondra Ruiz
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So are there any workouts or I guess programs from influencers or celebrities that you know you swear by? Honestly, no, there's I mean, I'm currently in JPG JPG's program for lower body and I feel like you know, I've gotten a lot stronger that way But I was also in Katie Nisen's like challenge groups and I feel like she made a huge impact on like the way I look at working out and just the way I live my life in general so they're not necessarily workouts that I swear by but they're just people that I feel like have actually made an impact on my fitness journey.
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I don't think there's any workouts by influencers or celebrities I swear by. Well actually there's one that I used to when I went to the video. It was Michelle Lemons. Michelle, something like that. I wish it was show.
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I don't follow any celebrities, like workouts, but if I watch a video of a YouTube star, her name is Bailey but she has good workouts.
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