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Minnie boo 631d
Minnie boo
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Minnie boo
The Principal aka QDeezy
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OK mamas what is your favorite way to whine down when you have alone time mine is too well I would love to take a candlelight bath with a glass of wine but the only bathtub in our house is right next to my daughters room so at night my daughters are really light sleeper so at night there's no way I could do that and who wants to take a bath during the day but my other favorite way is just to relax light some candles and have a glass of Wine
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OK so mine will definitely would be like a bath to him with warm hot water and some bubbles maybe a glass of wine would be nice that's a good way to wind down and you don't get away
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But having a kid next to your restroom and as a light saber really does suck
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