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Maddy Marceau 388d
Maddy Marceau
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Kaitlyn Grosz 387d
Kaitlyn Grosz
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Kaitlyn Grosz
Kaitlyn Grosz
So now that it's spring am I there's so many more activities like we can do outside but I'm wondering like what other activities you guys do with your toddlers because like I'm following her around with her little push car on the sidewalk and it's I mean she's kind of enjoying it but I mean this isn't gonna be like sustainable like we need to think of some spring and summer
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I think anything with water outside is fine squirt guns water tables I never bought a water table I just got like a bucket of water my kid which is playing it he loved it those little swimming pools are always fun parks splash pad I'll kinds of things like that
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Yeah it really helps when the weather is warmer and you can do things outside as well if you don't already follow this account I would highly recommend following the busy toddler on Instagram she is amazing she used to be like a preschool teacher I believe an elementary teacher and she has 1 million amazing activity ideas for babies toddlers preschoolers it's absolutely incredible I'm in Chelsea has like a light on Pinterest as well I would highly recommend following her And Pinterest also has like 1 million ideas which is really helpful
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One thing that I've done that's been really fun before mayor Mason was to he especially liked it as I took a sticky contact paper and had a sticky side facing out on the wall and then taped it to the wall and then I cut up pieces of tissue paper and let him choose or like feathers and stuff and let him kind of stick them on the contact paper one time we made a rainbow and it was just really fun it kept him busy for a long time
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And also anything with water I have literally before like take a different like containers and scoopers and cups and his little like figurine animals and kind of put them all in like a tub of water a little bit of soap and he is had so much fun like scooping water and just getting creative there's so many things and sensor events are and I'm rambling but since your bins are always always great I've made a rainbow rice and you know Scoops and different things and kids love that stuff for sure
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