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Are you are mom who would spend money on the newborns clothes to buy expensive branded stuff either they're the toys or the bumpers would you be spending a good amount of money on them because I did and I loved it
No, I am not this mom at all. My boyfriend loves splurging on like super expensive name brand stuff for my kids and then he gets upset when they get them dirty and I'm like, what do you expect? kids.
If I had a lot of money to spend and I really really really was convinced on a certain outfit or like some thing like that for my kids doing for a photo shoot or some thing then definitely on but for every day clothes definitely not
I think somehow is right because in their initial stage when they're very young they make the clothes dirty his food gets spilled all over his clothes every other day and they get extremely dirty
As a first time mom I did buy like expensive clothes anything that I wanted that I thought was adorable because I didn't know how leg quick she was going to grow and she were things once but with my second child I reuse a lot of that clothes and I bought way less and cheaper
No I have never done that I think like the only time that I've gotten them something expensive was like for like their first birthday because it's memorable and you know they can keep it so that's like only time that I splurge I guess
I likely shop at Walmart for their clothes and also once upon a child am I love going to want to put a child for them because I just don't see the point of buying them expensive clothes when they does grow out of them so fast
I think the first time mamas are always a very enthusiastic about a shopping and buying stuff so I think it was the case with me with my second or third I'm not gonna do that
Yeah so exactly again missed in the time as sold but my first one I bought a lot of expensive stuff and this was like a lesson for me but the next time I'm gonna make sure in his early years I'm not gonna buy an expensive thing
I am definitely not this kind of mom though if there is a namebrand that's on sale or someone selling it secondhand for really cheap I will buy it kids go through clothes especially at that age so quickly
No, because they grow up so fast, they only work a couple of times, and then when they have those shitty ass diaper explosions, sometimes that baby poo, the stains are hard to get out of the clothes so affordable and cheap.