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Elissa JL • 612d
Elissa JL
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Roma kay
Katie Casillas
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Roma kay
Jessi • 612d
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Maddy Marceau • 612d
Maddy Marceau
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Cristiana Norielle
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Mevi Galica • 612d
Mevi Galica
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RaSean Mitchell
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Yasmin Ali • 611d
Yasmin Ali
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I cannot keep my sympathy from speeds I don't know why but chocolate is something that I just can't stay away from I try to do it every day and when it comes to something sweet I just wanted to say I have to take him something sugary that keeps up my sugar level high of like at least some moderation so I don't eat some chocolate in between and I just can't stop from that no matter how hard I try I just can't stay away from sweet things I don't know what to do about it
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I don't usually have this problem but the last few weeks I have been the same just all I can think about wanting to eat is like Oreos and sweets I don't know what it is
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Oreo is so addictive oh my God like I just take one **** of hurt and in a blink then the whole pack is gone so I'd avoid Oreos because I don't know they did they put some kind of ingredient in it which is so addictive what's up with Oreos man
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I wish I had a solution for you but I feel the same way And it changes for me like what kind I want but yeah definitely chocolate am I try to find like better solutions so there are some like the American dream nut butter with stuff in it if you like the sweet and salty I like pretty low sugar but satisfies that craving or dark chocolate but I totally get it there's like no replacement for what you
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Yeah even with dark chocolate it cannot fulfill your crave for that sugar things would you end up eating the whole offered so I have tried everything but your nothing works I need that amount of sugar in my body which my body desires I just got to stay away from it
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Oh my gosh I get it girl it is so hard I need sweets with my coffee like every day so every day I'm like OK I don't need that I don't need another one or I could have this instead of a cookie you know so I get it I get it
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OK I had like seven no big cookies today and I'm so full of sugar in the mail like for schools ice cream I just couldn't help myself today
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I don't think completely cutting off sweets would be a smart idea I would start with may be if you really are obsessed with chocolate they start eating it with strawberries or a kind of berry that you like or bananas and then transition into just eating mostly fruits with maybe sprinkles of chocolate instead I think that's still like pretty healthy
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I feel like completely staying away from sugar and like artificial sugar is actually bad for you because constantly eating healthy kind of resulting eating unhealthy cause you need like it makes you feel good you know like if you want chocolate just eat chocolate I don't think anything is wrong with it obviously don't need too much to the point was actually affecting your health but if nothing is wrong with it just if we wanna eat
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See now me with sweets, I'm not really a big fan now. I do sometimes crave chocolate but like a Snickers bar or something like that. Now my girl, she can have a sweet tooth and it can go from cakes and cookies to M&Ms to ice cream. It can be anything. It's ridiculous.
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Same I thought it was very difficult sugar is just very addictive for the little kids
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