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Rohgish Sun 282d
Rohgish Sun
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Cosmikly DTantrik
Cosmikly DTantrik
ZandarStone 282d
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The odd part about this is, if people were to engage this as a stretch, they probably wouldn't want to do it. You know what I'm saying? People were like, what I can do to where I can give the lowest amount of effort? And it's like, well, no, you also have to do things for your inner body, you know what I'm saying? These poses also helps your organs, your overall functioning. You're not just thinking about flexibility, are you? You know what I'm saying? Much respect for putting out the drills, you know what I mean?
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right right exactly you got to think of this beyond a stretch because it's yes stretching your muscles but it's doing and it's doing more than just stretching the muscles right and then in all the internal work that it's doing it's miraculous this is natural medicine this is truly 100% natural medicine folks you want to get into the organics of life here it is on the real tip
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And it's very similar to the child's pose which does a lot of the same things But because you reach back and stretch around the back end and and bring your hands together It's doing a little more Little extra extra, you know, I mean when I say child's pose for those who don't know I'm talking about a very particular yoga position or pose yeah, I Am grateful that you appreciate this
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I didn't know that, but I do this like every day. Not this exact pose, but very similar.
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