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One love to you, your family neighborhood. Shouts to everybody. One love family. One love royalty. It is your king. A.P. Cody tapping in just to say I really appreciate everybody who's been so amazing on the stereo app. Shouts to this platform. Shouts to everyone who has been a delight to speak with. Given ideas that have helped me think in a better way to have more of a presence and more of a content mindset when it comes to being on this platform. But shouts to everybody. That's really made me think about community regarding this platform. Just wanted to say that, but also want to tap in and also remind you that I love to make music. I love to transparently express. I love to uplift and encourage through sound. And I could always appreciate your support if you're willing to invest in an artist that you think can actually add to your mood through the day. So got to always make sure that I let you know you can find all of my exclusive albums and exclusive content on a.p. Coley dot com for things that are on streaming platforms. You can always add me to your library if you want to help me out or you can just simply heart or add, you know, anything that you would like from Apple Music, Spotify, et cetera. So, you know, but to the projects, as far as giving a nod to those let's see your sparks, the first album that I released, I love that album. It's a great album filled with encouragement. Good for your kids. You know what I mean? Good for your progress, your progression. You know what I mean? Perspective love is really a deep dive into the love that I share with my woman personally and how beautiful that love is and a highlight on black love and a highlight on love in general and how important it still is in this world. And spark three days is just a vibe of a fun of transparent expression. So there's a vibe for everyone there. See you there. Tap in. Tune in. One love, always. Yetto.