Alright everybody, so this question is specifically for grown-up gamers, but kids too maybe? I don't know, whoever can answer for sure. How many games are you sitting on that you haven't played yet? I mean the list I have is endless. I haven't even played Red Dead Redemption 2. That's how far back my library of unplayed shit goes. So yeah, what are you guys sitting on that you haven't played? What do you want to play the most? I haven't started the new God of War yet. I want to play that probably. I don't know, shit's crazy.
Games I haven't played? Um... Well, I haven't played Six Days in Fallujah yet, even though I'd want to. Um... Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Starfield, any Borderlands past Borderlands 2. Um... I've barely touched Elden Ring. Yeah... That's a few.
I felt the pain in this. I felt the pain in this. I'm with you. I'm with you on it. Yeah. I'm many borderlands behind. I'm many, many behind of many things. Yes. I felt this in my soul.