Anybody seen the, uh, Mortal Kombat footage from the Switch side-by-side with, like, PS5 or one of the newer gen systems? This shit's ridiculous. It is, uh, nightmare fuel, to say the least. So, yeah. Take a look at this shit. Janky.
Oh, I have a switch and I also have an xbox and Yeah, anytime I see games that are on these other platforms and then the switch tries to you know Do the same thing as the other platforms? It usually doesn't work. Especially if those games are like heavily graphic based You know and it's like it looks really real or whatever. Yeah So I always feel for the switch anytime I see that because it does end up looking janky
yeah the switch is good for some things I'd love to see Nintendo come out with like the first 8k system blow everybody out of the waters make like a game but the most like freakishly realistic Mario characters you could imagine it just to shut everybody up