T W N G Y 🚲📽️✨🎶 ��📽️✨🎶 2014 wynwood bike ride with ryanthewheelbarrel #KG #SFX #short #bikes #vinyet #vines #fyp #cycling #music #teebs 🚲📽️✨🎶 🚲📽️✨🎶
T W N G Y ✨🎧🎶🌱📽️ ✨🎧🎶🌱📽️ ✨🎧🎶🌱📽️ Another short edit from the vine days circa 2014 #vines #micro #SFX #KG #kuntgang #fisheyelens #christmaslights ✨🎧🎶🌱📽️ ✨🎧🎶🌱📽️ ✨🎧🎶🌱📽️
Bego Davila En algun momento os ha cambiado la vida o la rutina esta aplicacion? En que medida? /Has this application ever changed your life or routine? what extent?
T W N G Y ::Heavy Music WARNING:: STEREO BATTLE ROYALE Vote for me in the “and another thing”category and vote for kunt gang in group category! #KG #Kuntgang @kgperolike TY For Og Edit #StereoBattleRoyale #fyp