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Hey everybody hey this is sister crystal here and I'm back with another post and on this episode of pizza hunters which do you prefer veggie or meat lovers pizza and you must choose if you do not like pizza just feel free to say why you do not like pizza. Also I want to give a big shout out to twangy for the idea with his uh comment under my last uh post about pizza the other day so shout out to you and um let's discuss thank you
Veggie all day, and no cheese, but that's just me. I mean, there's other stuff you can make cheese out of, but then that's for some people not cheese, but you know, it's veggie. Veggie and no cheese over here. Any pizza you make me choose, it's just gonna be some non-pizza format because I don't eat cheese or meat or anything like that, so, I don't know, I might as well eat flatbread or marinara on any call of the day.
Twangy hey thank you so much for the inspiration for the pizza series I'm gonna keep it going with your last comment on the other post thank you it was a lot of fun so thank you