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Nah, she's talking from a hurt place. Definitely. Cause I don't think she believes her own shit. I mean, come on now. Nah. We're too emotional. Men, yeah, they can go in easily and fuck whoever they want and I think about it twice. But women, we get too invested.
Grand afternoon, Pandalooch. Um, yes, I do think that, I agree with you, I think this is from a place I've heard because, no, I don't understand it, I don't get it, it just doesn't make no sense. It just doesn't make no sense. You can be single and do that exact thing.
you know I wonder the reasoning behind you know it's like you want to stay together because it's like I'm not gonna freaking let you go cuz I got them say it or I want for us to leave a different way of the relationship because it's like I like the idea I'm not gonna lie to you I have a beautiful home and then whenever I feel like it I go fuck whatever I want but from the way she was saying it it didn't seem that fun to her it seems like she was
Hey Madame Taffy, yes darling but I just feel like all of that stuff is a breeding ground for unwanted energies you know and and unhappiness really and truly.
Buenos dias mi amor that is entirely true unfortunately but you know I want to dream I want to believe we are all available and able to experiment as long as we create these spaces to do so in the right way obviously for that to happen there needs to be communication like clear expectation and as well like that trust in your partner but anyway we can only dream right?
Queen Donatella, hey, hey there. How about the guy in the back saying, Jesus Christ, like that lady sounds delusional. None of that stuff she's talking about will work. That stuff won't work at all.
Hey Sister Crystal, hey. Yeah girl, it ain't none of it gonna work. Not if you want a working relationship. I just, pettiness and that like tit for tat and all that stuff don't have no place in nothing that you trying to build on some long term forever type stuff. And that's just my opinion, but uh uh.