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Oh my God, sister. What did I just witness? Oh my God. Oh my God. I miss you, sister. I miss having shows with you and laughing with you. Can't wait till the summer is over so we can pull up. It's a movement. Oh my God. Not Donald, Donald, Donald, Donald Trump bussing his ass.
Y'all, y'all know that was me, right? On the, on the Donald Trump voiceover. Yeah, you know, most of the videos that I create, um, that's one of the things that I edit. That's one of the things that I edit into the video is I, uh, you know, I use certain apps out there to make their mouth move and their facial expressions. And then I add my voice to it. And then I alter the way the voice sounds to match the situation.
Well, you don't need an artificial one like I have to use. You got it going on naturally. But yeah, just different apps, you know, they got stuff on TikTok that changes your voice. Additionally, inside of the audio video, some of the software that I have, I can either slow the speed or speed it up to make myself sound, you know, younger or cartoonish.