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The anime sweatshirt is not a W you're holding your phone a little weird but I do relate with those fucking curtains my cat I don't think we have a sink like we have those curtains in my apartment and every single every single time is fucking destroyed my cat is can't seem to let them be he sees the curtains and he's fucking attack some Easter shit out of them so they're all fucked up and yeah yeah there's the switch is it is it is it's not on
Talking shit I didn't say anything can you show your face it is a fuck no post head ass what the fuck with like what what are you so who are you talking to right now you think you fucking are
OK first off you you don't see my face how can you tell me ugly and also there's no way you genuinely looked at my fucking outfit and thought he's definitely being serious that's definitely his outfit are you fucking dumb that you have a mental disability are you missing something in your head like there's no way you genuinely looked at that outfit and took it as that's definitely what he's wearing you fucking dumb ass
This is relatable because my two cats did this daily we had to replace the curtains like actually like 20 times like I'm being for we had to replace oh f***ing curtains or whatever blinds will I really f***ing God we had to replace him We had a little replace him like 20 f***ing time so