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I mean, you look like you listen to Suicide Boys. I can't tell if that's the song I'm playing, but like, it's still fine as fuck. I mean, like, I hate Suicide Boys, but I love you.
Bruh how are you gonna call me a white night where $uicideBoy$ literally had nothing to do with this video bro like literally $uicideBoy$ are not even in this video negative person as rabbit Xavier well first of all my Knigge second destroyed lonely as fucking ass cheeks OK why was it if you say live somewhere fuck fuck I'm in IDC is pretty fire fucking life trans pretty fucked if you sell one of them maybe like I'll be all right yeah like suicide OK like Nager destroy lonely is actually
See me? I'm not gonna drag it on and be like, Oh, you're so hot, you're so beautiful. Nah, you look good and shit, don't get me wrong. But I ain't no simp, I'm not gonna drag it on and fucking... You feel me? You look good though, hit my line and shit. Have a blessed one.