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What's up, my *****? You look cute as fuck, to be honest, mama. Shut the fuck up, bro. Who the fuck is playing that shit in the background, bro? I'm fucking running in my room.
I don't know if she's wearing something, but like, I know she's not black, so like, what's she got the braids on for? I don't know if that shit's fucking down on her head and it's just fucking growth, but like, if that shit's some fucking black people braid, then I'm gonna fucking die, cause this *****'s mean, like, this bitch's like, something, like,
OK that's two things I want to notes write first things look like a normal ass white girl you lately I know surprising you look look decent whatever it was a real shit but I but the second thing I just said that who I just sent a fucking no no racial know Ray so I just sent a fucking coon talking about I know she's not black washing at the brazier Waterloo can you search a cornice up Monica lip