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yeah I'm not even gonna vote on this I'll participate though but I'm not going to vote simply because I don't I'm just sitting in the center here like where's this gonna go like I don't even understand artificial intelligence like we've come to a point in our life as humans that we need intelligence in artificial form what peace
yeah I'm I'm right there with you when I first saw the I have more and when I first watched these I sat there like probably it felt like a minute but I probably said there for 30 minutes just watching and rewatching like this is so strange and I don't know where well I don't know where we're going with this either and I don't know what we will come this is oh man this is bad but in the future it could be whole movies created by artificial intelligence that we're paying to watch now it's this is strange
The truth. It's literally become like a train wreck. Like, you should stop watching. I know I should probably stop watching. But I just keep watching. It's so weird.