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Yeah I can't lie to you there I was hoped to you she hit you with a nasty is Ponfick of the century colours are even or Starbucks for Lucas to hear from the UK
That's what I'm saying man, like what was she waffling on about She literally said pump fake my playboy Cardi not meaning the reference something bad here, but like goodness gracious, it's literally what it felt like
Same here man, you're the first Christian that I've met on here. But yeah, just reaching out to different people you know. Hopefully, like this is one kid that I ministered to the other day because he was speaking profanely. So yeah, it's been pretty good.
I had like five people in my life and I told him about my testimony and it was amazing I got people to be more involved Jesus and I hope these kingdom will grow in this app
Man, man, I didn't even know that was a feature on here, but you on the roll with it. R.A. Sharon, you're testing money with non-believers, man. That's really what's up, man. I appreciate that. I always get overjoyed when I hear things like that. Thank you. Glory to God in Jesus' name.
Hello there I am a fellow Christian and I'm glad I found your post I am I was just came in here looking on this app to find if there's any other fellow Christians in here we go 01 that's good thank you
Indeed, this, I meant to post this as like a beacon of hope, almost, because there's a lot of evil and profanity on this app, and I plan on being one of the pioneers that, you know, guts all of that out and actually makes legitimate, good content. So yeah, that's my goal, and, you know, just all around just giving glory to God, in Jesus name, because that's what we need to do, yeah, that's what we need to do, you know?
Sir bro just trying to gather everybody to one place because Like all of us Christians are like so scattered apart on this app. It's hard to run each and run into each other So this is kind of like a contact station.
It's impossible the science doesn't add up he's not fucking rude it's clear that it's not real Jesus is a bullshit oh God is not real it's all bullshit
There's a ton of approaches that I can go through here, but just let me know which one you want to go. You want to go down a moral argument or a scientific argument because I can do both, but I just want to cater to what you're looking for.
Well, if the science doesn't add up, tell me this. Do you think that an omnipresent, omnipotent being that created the universe, which is meaning his essence is separate from the universe, is able to be observed by science? that makes sense.
In the Sosopo terms, I'm explaining it this way. If I try to give you physical evidence of an infinitely powered God that is outer-versal, not a part of this universe, then you're asking me to do the impossible.
Because if I give you observable data and power of this being, that the literal essence and power of God, then that makes him limited, because that means his essence is a part of of this world.
So I'm in physics one, right? And one of the things that we talk about is that energy, it can't be created nor destroyed. And if you have one unit of energy, it can be transferred into another. of like physical energy can be transferred into heat energy or thermo.
We're up two sticks together to cause a fire. I just transferred kinetic energy to thermal energy, which caused a combustion with the same amount of energy and there is evidence of the fire. You can observe that in science because it's in this universe.
Yes, matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed by our own means. We can't create an original atom, just like we can't destroy an original atom and eradicate it from existence completely. its energy is distributed in some form.
It's quite scary indeed. I've come across a lot of suspicious posts and I was just wondering, trying to see if there's any true believers on here. And I'm glad there are. This is making me happy.
Amen. Thank you for this response. But I also pray that in the future that you would continue in your path with Jesus Christ, I say you would stay strong in the faith and not waver from it in Jesus' name.