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Yo, yo ass look like the lost ninja turtle, my *****. You is ugly, bro. You look like your father's name's Master Splinter, *****. You look like your last name's Biambo, *****.
For real though, he does look like a motherfuckin' ninja turtle. I'm gonna start crying. I'm gonna- This fatty-ass fuck! What the fuck is wrong with him? Everybody's looking at his lips, his hair, the fuck- He just looks like he's one of those motherfuckin' ninja turtle dudes that, like, eat fat fuckin' pizza!
I ain't finna say anything for real because I am not disrespectful, so I'mma just move on with my day, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, have a good day. Or, whatever.
To me, might not be to everybody, but to me, you look like you'd be invited onto the show too hot to handle as a joke. Like a silly little, haha, heehee, funny. Like they'd be laughing because you thought you were invited in, while they're fucking each other and smashing each other's dicks in, when they know you are not too hot to handle.
Why you ugly? Like, oh my god, you ugly as fuck, boy, like, you ugly! Come here, you sad eye! The bitch is a sad eye, like, why you lookin' at me like you look like a freak, bro? Like, why you fuckin' lookin' at me, dumb bitch? Like, what the fuck? You know, the big ass hoes! Like, big ass hoes, like, everybody, they're fuckin' lookin' at you, scary ass hoes!