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00 doorbell ugly little motherfucker you close up it's just a nightmare negative Joel ugly ass you are you a cancer patient what the fuck asking you little weird ass
Like she was like, oh it's because I have eczema on my hair and how to get it to medical condition and These two girls are from being pregnant girl who want to get pregnant with you like the fuck
And bitches be saying oh my god. Why am I single? Am I not pretty enough like bitch? You look like a fucking overgrown plant get the fuck out of here. You look like someone didn't finish chopping down a tree
You, you literally look like a hormone monster, uh, actually a fairy, like, just fly off, go die, go like, go die, um, you look like a fairy that crawls around on all fours, and you literally look like a tranny, and shut your fucking ear right, because your hairline is receding, and your forehead is really big, really, really, really big, no one thinks you're fit, no one thinks you're fit, shut the fuck up!
Bitch you need to shut the fuck up. You don't even look that good either to be honest, bro Literally, have you seen yourself trying to call trying to call it the next motherfucker, but look at you bro. Come on now Me fucking for real
You have no reason to be, one, telling them to kill themself, um, and two, don't fucking say the t-slur. You are literally using a voice filter to say this, too. Stop being a fucking pussy.
Bitch you look weird like you is weird. I don't know what you said like you thought that she was cute, but it's not so Like I'm not gonna call you ugly because you caught me ugly You're too pretty. I'm just saying like you're too pretty like to be acting like this