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hi hello um this is my neighbor and like i always see her like jump into the bushes and like pee all over my yard and it's getting to the point where like she's kind of stalking me now like i just made an account and now i guess she's like making an account too like it's kind of scary but like she'd be peeing all over my yard and like throwing her shit sometimes in my window like she does have down syndrome but like it's okay because none of us can like really talk to her about it like so yeah just don't mind her she's really nice besides
Hey y'all, Deleted is my neighbor and she always be trying to look in my windows and she always trying to look what I watch and she literally looks in the window and she trying to like write a note for me and like she like put it on the window so I can read it but I don't really read it but this one time she wrote, do you like me? I'm like hell no but yeah, Deleted does also have Down syndrome. So I don't know what's wrong with both of them.