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Dafuq I'm getting 20-23 rings? Wait actually no, I'm getting 45 dresses Dafuq? Cause then I can sell them and get money for them The more dresses, the more I- the more the item, the more I- the more money I get so Dafuq I'm selling this shit cause I don't wear any of them
I rather have 45 dresses because they would all be different and you can wear one every day or so. And yeah, in 20 day rings, you can wear them but you'll get sick of them kind of. but 45 dresses would be amazing to use.
These questions are very specific like would you rather have 41.9 elephants or 46.73 tacos if you know me, but either way regardless whether you have 23 rings because I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do with 45 dresses.
mmm I would say 45 dresses only because you can sell them you can get money out of them I mean so you might be thinking but rings cost more well they didn't say diamond ring so they could be fake so