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I have a question for y'all. Let's just say somebody likes you, right? And they want to know everything about you, but like you'd be like that I can like tell you some parts of me. Like at the same time, I don't want to like the whole thing right now because you don't feel comfortable right now to tell that person your past life. And then that person be like oh I can look like you look you up in one second like it's that not stockish to y'all like Does that mean stockish to y'all I'm just like Is it not stockish or is it or is it cuz I feel like that is to me It's like you need to kind of like respect that person if he or she does not want to share some of their past life with y'all even though you just met that person like let me know cuz I feel like that's just real stockish to me like I don't like that.
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You cut me off guard after searching you up part cuz that's crazy man. I'm not trying to be searched up cuz calm down. That's kind of stalking right there and everything about you. I'm good. I'm not telling you what school I go to, what's my address, who are my best friends. I'm not telling you that but like I'm not telling you the last name or anything.
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