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I got a question and let me see which I think like I need your opinion on it so they let's just say um They looked at somebody right and They don't take you for a few days like after you text them So like what are y'all doing? Do y'all just like leave it alone or you just keep texting them to like they respond? Because to me I would respond quickly but like if you like somebody and then you don't respond for today's I don't know maybe it's a sign or something believe over child opinion late let me know what y'all think though cuz this skirt it's good don't know how to think. But yeah, I mean, what's your opinion?
You know, sometimes it's really not that complicated with guys. When they're interested in you, they'll connect with you. If they're not interested in you, they will literally not make time for you. It's not complicated with guys. The truth may hurt, but I'd say don't sweat over it and don't be the only one solely texting. it as a sign.
Leave him alone because if he's not texting you the other one will but I just say Leave them alone because guys really like as much as they love attention they rather not have attention and crazy attention and actually receive the attention because they like to like feel like they're chasing for the tent you know what I'm saying
All that aside, I'm gonna need all your socials because you're gorgeous. Okay? Forget about this subject and everything on this app. I'm joking. I'm joking. I'm straight. Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed this video. I'll see you on the next one.
Um, honestly girl, that's when you don't text them because they're not worth your time. And they obviously don't want to talk to you because if they wanted to they would. So fuck that person, go do you. Shit girl, you know, that's all you gotta do, just do you.
I don't want you to embarrass yourself because I do that all the time because I'm delusional as fuck show me to tell you leave them alone move on move on now there's more fish in the sea like I know everybody says that but it's literally true that are endless options
What I do is I text them and if they don't respond then I'll leave it there and I don't text again unless they do text me back in like a means that they do want to talk and then I will double text them if they do text me but if not then I'll double check I just leave it there if they don't wanna respond