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Public proposals. Yeah, they are romantic. It's so cute. It's like you're doing it in public so people can know who you with and We gonna spend your time with like that is so romantic
I think they're cute when both partners are very well known to really want to, you know, ring B, you know, be in the relationship, a long-term relationship with the other, be married. I think it's only weird when the other, like, prematurely proposes publicly without knowing without a doubt that the person they're proposing to is absolutely head over heels wanting to be in their life forever. You know what I mean? And it's like...
I think it becomes cringey when you prematurely propose, if that's even like a word or phrase, to someone that is still getting to know you or at least still locking in on being yours and yours only, you know? I shouldn't say yours and yours only. Someone that they really consider marriage material and it just looks bad because it It looks like they're being forced or pressured.
And maybe I'm jumping the gun here. I don't I may be using the word pressure is not the right word here But it just seems like for me it just really feels or seems that way just thinking about it Like I have to say yes, or at least I feel kind of like Uncomfortable in a spotlighty way, and I'm just like no hell no I gotta say no to him and then I'm embarrassing him or her in front of everyone
These are just the type of things where you have to be very certain that the person you're proposing to will have absolutely undoubtedly say yes. because if you if you if you're premature with it you know it just looks bad on her and then bad on you it's just everyone gets hurt I think
me personally romantic or cringy well like I don't give a shit cuz I never proposed into a girl unless she gives me head every day but that's the sad part But I'd say like more like romantic I guess I should say
It's kinda cute, but also kinda like a little embarrassing, cause like, people are like, like, like, like, what if you like, like, like, like, what if they like rejected, like, they say no, like, like, you know, like, like that would be embarrassing.