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Hey Drew me a total wine what would I do is my partner told me that they want to open relationship I'm out I'm gone Do you know sing of the people no keep your heads up and your
If not finding a say in an open relationship, I would break up with him. Because like, why even in this relationship if he wouldn't need to be open? No, I will talk to him for a session. Bye-bye.
Personally, who are you talking to? Because anybody having an open relationship, I'm not gonna get no STD because you're gonna go around playing with me. No, you can have an open relationship with somebody else because... That's just so dirty. Goodbye.
Um, if they wanted me to have an open relationship, I, um, I think I just politely tell them I'd rather not have that and, um, and I'd rather not, I'd rather not do that. Um, honestly, I, I just feel like it's a disaster waiting to happen, at least for someone like me. I can't speak for everyone, but for me.